Dynamic website
follow point by point :
1 . Dynamic websites means data will change on run time or also we can say that at the time of execution.
2 . Most lagre websites must be made dynamic.
3 . They are easier to maintain than static websites.
4 . Dynamic pages on the other hand access information from a database.
5 . In dynamic websites content can be changed easily by technical or non-technical person in Career,Blog ,News and many more.
6 . PHP is widely popular in world and also is open source scripting language and this language is used for develope dynamic websites
7 . Mostly used on webservers to provide dynamic(run time) pages.
8 . A good knowledge of PHP,Java,.Net,Javascript,Jquery,Ajax,SQL,HTML and CSS should be when you're developing dynamic websites.
9 . Dynamic websites are used for manage huge data for large company.
10 . Dynamic websites now a days are very popular in the world some e.g of dynamic websites are ecommerce sites,railway ,stock market,travel sites & many more sites are available in the market.